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Caregiver Support Group

Seniors / Support Groups -
School Year 24-25

Join us for a welcoming space for caregivers to learn and reinforce positive self-care, give and receive encouragement, and enjoy support and understanding from others in similar situations. With professional staff facilitation, explore topics such as balancing roles and responsibilities, maintaining personal balance, planning for legal needs, dealing with the realities of chronic illnesses, coping with depression, developing support systems and accessing community resources.


Jenny West is the Community Educator for Caregiving & Aging at FamilyMeans. At FamilyMeans, our work is life’s challenges. We listen without judgment, offer encouragement, and believe in you even when you might not. Jenny has educated thousands of Twin Cities metropolitan area caregivers in their workplaces and community settings. She is responsible for community awareness and education classes. She facilitates support groups, Memory Cafés and is a Powerful Tools for Caregivers facilitator and Master Trainer.



Program Center : Monet Room (CE Library)
Thu Sep 12, Thu Oct 10, Thu Nov 14, Thu Dec 12, Thu Jan 9, Thu Feb 13, Thu Apr 10 & Thu May 8
1:30 - 2:30 PM


Min Age   50 yr.

Already started

Price: $ 0 00